Friday, October 5, 2012

The Disadvantages of Sitting Too Much

If you think that sitting for prolonged periods throughout the day is benefiting your body, think again! A lot of studies have shown that an inactive and sedentary lifestyle do the opposite. You don’t give your body the rest you think that it needs. In fact, you are only making your physical condition worse. Yes, sitting too much is just as bad as smoking cigarettes when it comes to the effects it can have on your body.

So, what exactly are the disadvantages of sitting too much?

Sitting too much can lead to various physical conditions due to lack of physical movement or activity. Yes, office workers and those who spend a lot of time working in front of computers are the people who just don’t give their heart rates up to benefit their well-being. What this means is their muscle, the heart included, lack stimulation which is needed to stay fit. If the heart is affected enough, the individual could suffer from different bodily conditions.

What are the conditions caused by a sedentary lifestyle? The most obvious condition is obesity. Next is type II diabetes, followed closely by heart disease. In certain situations, cancer can also be caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

So, how can an individual solve the problem of inactivity if he really has no way of going about his work without being glued to his desk? A simply solution is to use an ergonomic work table. Such a piece of furniture allows an office worker to stay standing for most of his work day to allow his heart and muscles to get the physical movement that they need. This is definitely better than spending eight hours hunched over a desk. The usual result is a tired and aching back at the end of the day.

Aside from getting an adjustable height work desk, an office worker can improve his health simply by walking. As such, an individual should take the stairs instead of the elevator. He should park his car as far away from the office building as much as possible. In fact, any person should aim to walk in order to stay fit and healthy.

In conclusion, sitting too much brings a lot of risks to the person with the sedentary lifestyle. As such, any office or stay-at-home worker must make it a point to take frequent breaks in order to get blood flowing properly again.

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